By Arianne Kim Colle, Editor-in-Chief
Persisting in the Bicol University grounds is the colossal problem that cannot seem to perish as authorities continue to brush off the cases of students being labeled red.
In the recent case of Danica "Dani" De Jesus, a current student-activist of BU wherein the administration says that it could only be a case of โsimple harassmentโ and that she should have directly made a blotter about it, reveals how there is no comprehensive system to deal with these cases inside the university.
During the last General Legislative Council (GLC) meeting, Resolution No. 06, series of 2023 urging for the adoption of the Comprehensive Anti-Red Tagging Policy was passed. Yet months later, this has not been adopted yet by the administration.
Efforts from the students were made yet the question of whether or not this resolution has already been lobbied on the proper offices remains hanging, and here we are in a scene where another student is put into danger as she faces the crippling experience of being red-tagged.
De Jesus was alerted when she was made aware that they were circulating messages about her regarding the posters wherein there is an included warning stating that they should not let De Jesus deceive them for she is a member of CPP-NPA-NDF who wants to recruit the youthโ a false accusation aiming to spread fear to student-activists like her.
Over the years, this red-baiting tactic of publicly accusing individuals has been used to inculcate fear to try and stop them from voicing out their stances on pressing societal issues. This is not only an evident violation of the freedom of expression and speech, but also impedes the progressive and democratic rights of people.
Students like De Jesus are part of the higher learning education and if the university is really aiming to produce the best members of the society, they must brace themselves that this includes those who courageously step up and magnify the problems in the society, not to bring harm but to push for change.
Standing idly on the repeated scenario when there is no known process on where students could run to in instances like this is a grave lapse of the promise to protect the main clientele of the institution which are the students.
To shout for stances to reveal the societal fissures is a move that takes great bravery to execute. Students who push for changes in the system are individuals that the institution should take extra care of because they are the ones who truly see things in a critical lens, going beyond the surface level. An attempt to mask this is a deliberate destruction of a future of progress.